Monday, January 19, 2015

Hacia El Fin: Hola Patagonia

    Would you like to receive some gift, copy of our Diary or a postcard from Patagonia? Or even better, would you like to appear in the credits of the documentary? We would like to include in this adventure to everybody who support us and that is why we started this campaign!

   + Why should I donate to HolaPatagonia?
   One of the first thoughts when this project appeared was to make a documentary about our trip around Chile. Then, we decided to extend this trip to Argentina and Uruguay. As you may know, we will focus not only on landscapes, but also on the life there: We want to give you a local view of what is living in one of the most remote and extreme places on the earth, the Patagonia and Tierra Del Fuego a film about what it is for the people there and ourselves, to coexist with a wild and dangerous pristine nature.
  + What do I get for donating?

   First and foremost, you get that warm feeling of knowing that you are helping to a cause whose goal is to leave a filmed and written legacy about these isolated places, where there is an endless dance between life and death. But mostly you will get the certainty that you are donating to a project that will serve to raise awareness about environmental issues.
   We would love to give rewards to donors, and it is why we have many to give! Postcards, unique printed photos, credits in the video, a copy of our Backpacker's Diary, typical hats or scarves patagonia and more. You will also be able to watch the full documentary or even order a copy.

+ How do I choose rewards?

   After you made a donation, please email it to you must fill in the reward you've chosen, together your full name and address to send the reward.

   Finally, help us to make this project possible and share it on your social networks!

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