Friday, January 30, 2015

Buongiorno Valparaíso

Ok, write on the blog while you're travelling is hardest than we thought. But we'll try to use the time in the smartest way and use empty moment like this to write. In fact, we're in the bus to Santiago right now, after we spent 4 days in Valparaíso and Viña del Mar.
We already knew beautiful people like Francisco, the owner of the hostal where we slept that offered us pisco sour - a typical Chilean cocktail with pisco liquor.
Our meeting at the airport was really exciting, as we guessed. Even if nobody of us cried. And we already had a little fight, so we're going to be used to each other.
I'm in South America. I'm in Chile finally.
I had another interesting "meeting": the ocean. Actually, it could have been better because Valparaíso and Viña are travel destinations, most of all in this season. So, the beaches were full of people having sunbath and children screaming everywhere. But I enjoyed the wildness of the ocean anyway, near a cliff close to Castillo Wulff in Viña.
The best thing I appreciated 'till now was the beauty of Valparaíso at night from the window of our room, with lights that looks like a lava flow from the hills to ocean.
I would like to share the pictures and videos we took but it's a mess because I'm writing from the phone, so I'll show you the ones that I took from here, even if the quality is terrible.
As I said, we're going to Santiago to spend some days there, buy backpacks and other things useful for Patagonia.
We'll update soon.
Hasta pronto!


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