Friday, September 26, 2014

How I met: Morgana.

   Ok, this is my version of the story. The story about How I met Morgana...
   I use to be looking for music on this website called (I'll skip things like "What is it" because it was already explained or talking about the trip). I'm registered there since 2009, but the important thing came in 2012 when I noticed a profile of a girl (with a high compatibility) from Italy. I thought: "Oh, a redhead girl from the other side of the world who listen to many of my favourite bands. I must talk to her". So, I sent her a short message entitled "Hey:)" and suggesting her a song that I had on mind that day. In fact, I don't know why I sent her that song, I just wanted to know who was behind that pic. The next day I got her short reply (as was mine) and I replied again. In this way, our conversations became more and more interesting, and the short first messages turned into long cyber-letters. I really can't list all the things that we wrote there, because I'd end tomorrow -or maybe never. I was so excited talking about our different cultures, dishes, music, books, etc. And that's the way how our first projects appeared: Project X and Project Y. Basically a lot of photos and videos made for us, showing our cities or anything we wanted to show. I was always thinking: I can show her this old building in my city, or this beach (it really became a habit for me)...
   After a few months just sending pics and videos, I decided to send her a real letter with something special. It was a mess for me trying to choose something (I have to admit it) and a lot of paper wasted, because I always ended up saying: Shit! She will never understand my cursive handwriting. Finally, with my package ready and the letter inside (I can't write about the contents of the letter or my editor will kill me) I went to the post office. I never trusted in Correos Chile, but I was wrong 'cause they were kind and efficient. They asked me about the content, I thought: "Damn!" And I replied: A photo album, a letter and incense (Yes, I sent her a weird incense stick that I love). Some time later, Morgana sent me a package too and I was so anxious about it (I have to admit it too), and my distrust for Correos Chile came back again. The days passed and I was thinking: What if the package just get lost? What if they don't find my home? However, one day I found a little paper in my garden "You have a package from Italia, please come to take it from our office". It bothered me, because it was just a little and crumpled paper. So I went to take it from their office, everything was going bad there, they simply couldn't find the package. It wasn't the main office, it was just a warehouse. The little man was running everywhere looking for the package, then he went to me many times to ask more details about it, then he was running again... Italy, right? -Yes... Morgana, right? -YES... Finally, He found it! I was happy, He was happy, Everybody was happy. I wanted to open it right there, but it wasn't like the best place to open it because he was still looking at me with a big and stupid smile, so I said Thank You and good bye. After walking under a terrible sun, I came to lunch to my grandma's house, but I wanted to open it in my house. So many hours after, I opened it at last. There were a beautiful chest, and a book (italian/spanish) with a letter inside the chest. There were my bracelet too. And a detail that I noticed just some time ago, a red ribbon that appeared in the pic that I loved in her profile... She already told you, we decided to throw away the bracelets between the Pacific and Atlantic oceans in Cape Horn. There's no other a better way to freeze a part of our friendship than freeze it (literally) in the end of the world...
Abstract from the book.
Abstract from the book II.
   Sometimes, when I'm writing on I think: What if I'd never registered in this place or if I'd never said "Hey:)"? And yes, We still use this website like a place for cyber-letters (In fact, I should be writing to her now).
   It's weird how things happen, there are less than 4 months and We'll make this project-dream come true. She is already a part of my life. All my friends and family know how much I love her, of course, because they have to deal with my stories about our friendship and projects everyday.
   This is my version of how I met this wonderful person, My Querida.

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