Thursday, September 25, 2014

How I met: Borges

Well, this is more an experiment than a normal post.
Or better, it's a post to explain you the story of how an italian and a chilean know each other. 'Cause, let's face it, is the most obvious question to ask. Let's take a break from the trip, I'll tell a little about me (Morgana, nice to meet you again) and Borges.
That's my version of the story, Borges will tell you his one soon.
As I already said in the introduction to myself, I'm from Messina, a city in the north-east corner of Sicily. I lived there untill the last year, now I live in Turin to study at university. This isn't linked to the story and I don't know why I'm telling you.
However, some years ago, I found this interesting social network called - if you know what is it, don't read the next 5 lines - where all the music you listen to from laptop, iPod, online radio or any other devices is there. You have your own profile and based on your tastes they will advice similar artists you could like. And is pretty nice just in this way. Now, the social part: you can relate with people that listen to your same music! There's a indicator of compatibility of your library with the one of the person you're visiting.
For example, that's mine compared with Borges' one:

Sorry but I use it in Italian.

  So, as you can see, our compatibility is super. That's not a great fact, if you listen to a lot of different bands and you look the profile of other people: there are many possibilities you may have super with someone.
It was June of 2012, I was still in Messina when I noticed to have a message on called "hey:)", where there was a guy who send me a song and a short message. I didn't use that social network in a very social way, I just follow their music suggests sometimes and nothing more. Well, I replied without thinking about it a lot. He was just a stranger who were linking to me a music video. How could I guess I would gone to visit his country 3 years later to meet him?
After first messages like "My name is...", "I'm from..." blahblah, we started to talk with a certain frequency, increasingly fascinated from the different reality where both of us grew up. We had a lot of questions about culture, customs, traditions and in every our messages there always were something to show about our motherland (photos, videos made by ourselves).

  On November 2012 we decided to start a project (yes, we love projects): he send me a package with a letter and a gift inside and I did the same after some months. He gave to me a photo album from Easter Island, totally made of leaves. Instead, I bought two bracelets with italian flag's colors, and I gave one of them to him to carry a little piece of italian friendship in Chile.
I still wear it and I'm waiting to join together the bracelets again and throw them away in the oceans, somewhere in Cape Horn with him.
Now, it's 2014 and's messages have become hours and hours chatting on Whatsapp in the middle of the night, talking about every imaginable topic in three languages, telling us secrets and confessions. I think at him like a real important person in my life. Maybe he underrates how much I love him 'cause sometimes I'm weird and antipatica, and I know... But, anyway, he shouldn't read all these cute things!
Ok, that was my version of the fact.
If you have question or anything else, please comment!

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