Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Through Panamericana

First of all I want to apologize with our Italian or Spanish followers because we won't translate anymore. Travelling is challenging, and writing here only is English is already difficult because there's no enough time in a day to travel, record for the documentary and do our things. So, I'm really sorry and maybe we could lose people who read the blog but it's the only way to write often.
We are now in Panguipulli and we are going to take a bus to Los Lagos. Then, we'll take another to Osorno and another to Puerto Octay or Puerto Varas to go to Parque Nacional Vincente Perez Rosalez. Yes, a lot of buses.
We spent the last week in Santiago and Concepción, where I met the family of Borges and where we spent relaxing moments drinking micheladas and talking about politic under a patio in a summer's afternoon with Juan Carlos - that gave me as gifts a book called "Las vienas abiertas de America Latina" and an album by Violeta Parra, one of the best Chilean songwriter ever, that I really appreciated.
I'm here from two weeks more or less and I'm deeply in love with this country.
And I'm fascinated from their traditions, like "once": the meal they eat rather than dinner, with bread, cheese, palta, ham, tea or coffee. Like a breakfast but in the evening.
Maybe is obvious to say but the best way to know a country as better as you can is traveling with someone who is born there, in my opinion. I'm trying a lot of Chilean typical dishes like porotos granados, tomatican, empanadas de queso, manjar... And so on. I'll write a post about Chilean food only someday because I'm really get addicted to some of these things.
I should write something about me and Borges too, but not now. He's sitted next to me on the bus and I want let him read what I'm writing.
So, hasta luego.
With the Panamericana running under us.


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