Thursday, October 23, 2014

Backpacking: Documentary, clothes and more.

   There are only about 3 months before the trip begins, but in fact, the trip started the day that the idea came. Why? - Because, there's no chance to solve the possible drawbacks that we'll have. So, if we don't think now about something, then it will be too late.
   This post could be another post about maps and routes where we will be, but there are little things outside our itinerary, like: The clothes that we should wear or avoid, backpacks, cameras, budget, and even think about things like electricity to recharge the batteries because we'll be in the middle of nowhere, and documentary is really important in this project -we don't want to be there with no energy to record a beautiful paradise, really-. 
  • Documentary: I've watched a lot of documentaries about Patagonia, some of them with an anthropological approach, others are only focused on flora and fauna or landscapes. As you suppose, unfortunately none of them resembles to what we really want to show, because there are so many ideas and it's hard even for us to classify it in some category. But if I had to summarize in one word it would be: Experience. I want to involve every person we'll meet, every landscape, every little experience or detail in this project, not just like a video with a clear objective, but something that really shows what we are living.
  • Clothes: It's another important topic in this trip, there will be a lot of different climates with which we have to deal, so it will not be like carry just clothes to swim somewhere. Starting with the hot weather in Santiago, the ambiguous weather of Concepción, and including rain, snow, high winds and mountains in south. All this in only 1 backpack for each of us.
  • Food/Water: Needless to say it. The organization is crucial to avoid being stranded in an empty field without supplies. -Thanks Bear Grylls, but it will be the next time.
  • Electricity: I said it before, there will not be a way to recharge batteries in the middle of nowhere -maybe sun, but it's slow-. So sometimes we will have to leave our lovely tent and go to any little village close to find supplies. And this brings us to the next item...
  • Backpack/Tent: It has to be -necessarily- resistant to all kind of weather, comfortable and light (Sleeping bags are included too). And big enough, while maintaining comfort.
  • Gas (butane): There are places where we can't do a campfire to cook something or just boil water, because are National Parks. So the gas is another thing that we need to have enough till the next city. Includes the gas stove that I need to buy yet.
Backpack. (Source: whytravel)

   And the list goes on, but will continue in another post focused -only- on things to carry while you're backpacking. The post is open for all to give your suggestions.

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