Tuesday, August 26, 2014

More info + documentary

There are a lot of things to say about this trip.
A lot.
For example, we decided to meet us suddenly.
I never thought it would happen in this way, like:
- "What will you do this summer, Borges?"
- "I don't know, why?"
- "Mmh, I think I'll come there. Is it ok?"
This is happened around one month ago, now August is almost over and we planned everything. We could start tomorrow too. We know exactly what we want to visit, and we have a lot of projects like put our flags (italian and chilean) at Cape Horn - most southern point of lands except Antarctica, where Pacific and Atlatic oceans are mixed in a vast expanse of cold water.

We'll sleep 70% or more part of the trip in a tent, doing backpacking.
It will last about 45 days, in the south hemisphere summer, between January and March 2015.
There are a lot of other things to say, cause it's really challenging for us: we haven't did something like this before. So, follow us to keep you updated!
I'm feeling so creative for that, I think it isn't just a beautiful experience of our life: it's a great opportunity to enrich us with sub-projects under the main one.
My idea is to make a movie/documentary about the trip: it will start at Milan when I'll take the flight and it will end at Santiago when I'll back in Italy. 
It's obvious to say: it will tell about us, about the experience, it will tell everything better then 10000 words what will happen there and the infinite landscape we'll see. 

Source photo: nemesis

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