Friday, August 22, 2014

First days.

Itinerary for the first days by now:

     In the early days, our main goal is to explore the coast of central Chile, visiting the main beaches of Viña del Mar, Valparaíso and including a tour through Santiago and its attractions too; Cerro Santa Lucía and San Cristobal, museums, Palacio de La Moneda, Barrio Lastarria, etc. After some days, we'll to move to the south of Chile, stopping at different cities along the way like Curicó and Chillán, to finally arrive at Concepción.
     So, any suggestion will be welcome. Feel free to share any idea because for the moment, any route may change due to time and just to visit more places and we'll put your comments on this page!

Image 1: Viña del Mar (Source: LaVozDeValpo)

Jan/Ene, 2015: Santiago - Viña del Mar - Valparaíso - Chillán - Concepción.

Map 1: Santiago - Concepcion (Source, Google Maps).

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