Wednesday, August 27, 2014

From Concepción to Puerto Fuy.

    Our trip will gets better each time. The route (Ruta 5 Sur) from Concepción to Puerto Fuy is a long journey through different climates and flora, as we move away from the central area —descending from latitude 36º South to latitude 39º South—. After visit to Los Angeles, Temuco and Lanco, we'll take the fork to Panguipulli (Hill of the puma and City of roses), and where we will see the first of many lakes (Panguipulli Lake) not for nothing is called Comune of the seven lakes— .
     After this, we must visit the beautiful Huilo-Huilo Biological Reserve, taking advantage that we'll be in the same road (Red Interlagos) to get to Puerto Fuy. Once inside the reserve, there's a 2km trekking route called "Sendero el Puma" surrounded by amazing vegetation.
     Our final destination for these days is to get to Lago Pirihueico, where we'll stay to rest in the lake, only to then get back to the main highway, and keep going further south!

Map 2: Concepcion - Puerto Fuy (Source, Google Maps).

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